Together at Fantasy Faire


Hello. This is my first blog post, so kind of a new beginning for New Road.

I was in Second Life for about 6 years. This is an amazing virtual world, with difficulties and many endless opportunities, if you are not lazy to learn and communicate with people. All things are going easy in VR and it may help us to overcome RL problems.

In my lifeway in SL, I met many people.

One of them is Orpheus. He became my Love forever.

We made many creative, amazing, beautiful, artistic, and blow-minded events for our 3 years of living together. Our UNITY Team and Family: born as a musical band in RP, later rose up a Fashion Agency with 3 years of an awesomely creative way of success and turned into the UNITY ART group, uniting Artists and Stylists who love Creativity.  Yes, we are proud of our work and abilities to unite people and make them happy with creative collaboration. We thank everyone, who stands by our side and keeps a deep faith in human relations, support, care, and love, we share all around, inspiring other people to grow up and work with self-development.

Ok.. I do a long intro with my thoughts, but I consider it necessary to show my position in life and to people around me.

My first post will be dedicated to my beloved Orpheus and our walk together at Fantasy Faire 2024. Indeed, this event is the most wanted and most awaited every year. 20 Fantasy worlds, dozens of local events, and only 3 weeks. The BEST place to walk and explore all around with your beloved.

We both take part in this event as Creators, we share one shop at AVALON region and welcome you to visit it till May, 7. After the event is over, all ARKONA and FIND THE FISH items will move to our mainstore at Facedesk in Serena Upolu.

This year, Orpheus created amazing Porcelain sets: Porcelain Gzhel based on blue color, Porcelain Chinese based on white color, and Porcelain purple, special for Fantasy Faire charity. Unisex BOM delicate Makeup and Full body artistic tattoo with extra golden Kinsugetsu layer. Every Porcelain set has a beautiful HALO as an extra accessory.

This blog article is my try to keep all the wonderful photos we made and memories of our time together.


The best ways are those you can walk together...

How it was started...

Viktor: We need our time to walk at Fantasy Faire till it is over.
Orpheus: Sure, but we need a fantasy outfit to look good. WHAT SHOULD I WEAR??
(this man has 600+ fantasy outfits in Inventory and his eternal phrase "What should I wear?")
OK, I will style it with my Porcelain new.. (after 3 hours) I DON'T LIKE IT! I CAN'T GO LIKE THIS! I look like... like... He can't say these words to not be vulgar.
Viktor looks at his depression and says: Ok, babe.. give me 5 mins...
He jumps on his working stand and wears all the same things that Orpheus put on himself: Porcelain body tattoo and makeup, hair, boots. They wear the same skin and can be twins. Why not?



This place was perfect to start our walk. Permeated with the elven spirit, it was light, pure, and mysterious, and we felt in harmony with our surroundings as we walked along the streets of the marble city and admired the colorful stained glass windows and parks. We, just as elegant and daring in our style, unlike anyone else around us, magician and warrior, had our own special aura when we walked together.

Viktor: Look how beautiful and sexy you are! You should never doubt yourself.
Orpheus: It's because you're next to me. I would never go alone.

Another stunning elven place where we felt in harmony with the purple magical twilight. Our white and blue “armor” merged, vibrated, and sounded along with an elusive purple flicker and mysterious silence full of magical sounds.

Orpheus: Why do builders do this so that it’s never clear where to go?
Viktor: Actually there is a simple plan here. There is a center and from it two roads in different directions that lead to neighboring locations. If you walk along the road, you will definitely go through everything and come out where you need to.

Orpheus: And now where?
Viktor: Up!

Orpheus: I would be lost here without you.
Viktor: I'm always there. Go ahead?


Underwater Post-Apocalyptic, that’s how I would describe this place. Everything is very close to us in time, somewhere in the Asian province. A beautiful garden and metro station, where there were once many people and life in full swing, are now covered with water. What happened? Perhaps only the creators know. We need to ask them. It’s beautiful and quiet up there, just the wind and birdsong. But what do the depths of the flooded underground conceal?

Viktor: This place is very interesting. It looks like a flooded modern Japanese province. We will have to go underwater and walk along the underground metro lines.
Orpheus: Are there mermaids here?

Viktor: And mermaids, and tails, and fins, and scales... As many as you want. As well as new unusual creatures.
Orpheus: Oh! Look, what's that there?


It was another pleasant and beautiful place, where there was a feeling of a fairy tale and the invisible presence of fairies and other small magical creatures were felt.

It was a great feeling to be back under the warm sun, surrounded by colorful gardens and huge plants. I love warmth like a cat, but I bet Orpheus prefers swimming underwater with the fish. Maybe that's why we love each other ;)

Walking through the gardens of the City of Fairies, we found a very interesting place called “Message to the Stars”. Just touch the Chalice and send your message, your wish, or just pleasant words to your loved ones and send them to the Stars. I did. And although my beloved is nearby, I know that the Stars will whisper my favorite words to him when he is alone.

We left the blooming city of fairies and found ourselves on the coast. The wind was blowing from the sea and in its smell, there was something new, unknown, strange, and even dangerous...

A huge ancient ship-city towered before us, like a ghost from the ancient past, full of dangerous secrets and mysteries.

to be continued...


*Find the Fish* - Porcelain - Full Makeup EvoX
*Find the Fish* - Porcelain - Full body
*Find the Fish* - Porcelain White Halo

Voguel - Tae Skin Winter tone

-David Heather-Ramses Cape and Waistcloth

/Vae Victis\ - "Fenrisulfr" - Fur Stole
/Vae Victis\ - "Montresor" - Ringmaster Boots

Air_Cihuai (Chinese SWD&SCB)
Air_Olga halo_gold_CM

Slavia - TARNI Tiara


~TARA~Silver Butterfly R hand


*Find the Fish* - Porcelain - Blue Gzhel set
*Find the Fish* - Porcelain - Full Makeup EvoX

VOGLIA: "JAMES" Skin (EvoX) - VE Winter  - No Brows

/Vae Victis\ - "Fenrisulfr" - Fur Stole (Male Unrigged)
/Vae Victis\ - "Montresor" - Ringmaster Boots (Jake)

Zbska - Agafia Shoulder 
Air_Olga halo_gold_CM
Arkivet + /Vae Victis\ :: Nix Solis Staff

DREAMCATCHER // A little prank

Noche. Auryn Sarong Metallic (Loose). Silver - Jake
Raven Bell - Sparkle Storm
RS-LotusSpectrum  Hand

Slavia - ASFEA Tiara
Slavia - Shoulder Bracelet "Amita"

WINGS-ER1030-HAIR (Large)
[Cynful] Stripper Dust - (slow animation)

[FORMANAILS] NAILS for Belleza Jak - ALEX Animated - CONNECTED
~~ Ysoral ~~  .:  Luxe Wedding Ring Lilian:.
